Cost Of Goods Sold
- ⚙️ Setting Up Your COGS
- How does the "Database COGS Sync" work?
- How to add shipping costs?
- 📦 How does the Aliexpress Chrome Extension sync the order information?
- 📦 How to setup Aliexpress COGS
- What is the shipping cost for Manual COGS?
- Manual COGS not displaying?
- How are monthly expenses are calculated?
- What information is synced from CJ Dropshipping?
- How are COGS refunded?
- How to setup manual COGS?
- ♼ Automatic syncing for Shopify products and Shopify's cost per item
- New products are not showing in the Manual Cogs?
- How does the CSV upload work for COGS?
- 📦 COGS by Volume
- The COGS of each item changes for each order?
- 🌎 COGS by Country
- How can I edit the COGS of previous orders?
- Deleting products in Manual COGS in Profit Calc?
- Sdd cogs for different countries and variants?