- How to cancel/uninstall/deactivate Profit Calc?
- How to add shipping costs?
- How do you connect Profit Calc with multiple Shopify stores?
- Shopify Orders Taking Forever to Sync?
- Shipping Label Sync
- Shopify orders not syncing?
- New products are not showing in the Manual Cogs?
- Profit Calc Introduction Tutorial
- Products not appearing?
- How do I change the time zone in Profit Calc?
- GDPR Request
- How do I add a flat shipping costs for all my orders?
- How to change the timzone in Profit Calc?
- Does Profit Calc have a mobile app?
- Is there a dark mode?
- New sales not displaying right away?
- How can I print a monthly report?
- Does Profit Calc take into consideration the app charges from my Shopify store?
- Does Profit Calc work with Woocomerce?
- Is there a way to remove the products no longer on my shopify from the Manual COGS page?