⚙️ Setting Up Your COGS

It's time to set up your store's cost of goods sold! (COGS)

Profit Calc currently has 4 different COGS options. 

  1. Manual COGS
  2. Aliexpress COGS
  3. CJ Dropshipping COGS
  4. COGS by date

As many options can be selected as needed. If multiple options are added they will be combined under the COGS card in the dashboard.

(Note: to use each option it must be toggled on)

Alright - now let's break down each option!

1) Manual COGS

Click here to set up your Manual COGS

2)  Aliexpress COGS

Please note the following:

  1. When using "Sync All" please allow 5-15 minutes for all your orders to sync.
  2. The extension syncs your Aliexpress COGS based on the date the item was ordered in Aliexpress. Not the date the order was placed for the item in Shopify.
  3. To sync the "Order Status" correctly. Please set your Aliexpress language setting to English.
  4. If your Shopify store currency is different than the currency of your Aliexpress account. e.g. your Shopify store is in AUD but you pay for Aliexpress items in USD. You can add currency conversion on the "General Settings" page.
Click here to set up your Aliexpress COGS

3) CJ Dropshipping

To set up CJ Dropshipping all you have to do is sync your CJ API key. 

To Obtain your API Key Follow The Below Steps:

  1.  Login and Navigate to Your CJ Dropshipping Dashboard
  2. Click "Authorization" In The Top Meu
  3. Click "API" from the left-side menu
  4. Click "API Key"
  5. Generate Your API Key and Input It Above
Click here to set up your CJ Dropshipping COGS

4) COGS By Date

This option allows you to manually input the COGS for a specific date. For example, if a third party processer is fulfilling your orders and provides a total COGS for each day. This option will work well for you. 

Click here to set up your COGS by Date

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