🌎 How to convert your store's currency?

To convert the currency for any of the analytic reports (e.g. the dashboard) in Profit Calc. The "Overall Currency Conversion" setting can be used. Profit Calc uses historical and real-time currency exchange rates to get complete accuracy. 

The below settings can be changed on this page here.

This setting allows you to display all calculated values in the analytic sections in a different currency than your Shopify store's currency. 

For this setting to work correctly, please ensure that all other converted amounts are converted to the store currency of your Shopify store. The "Overall Currency Conversion" setting will act as a final conversion.

For example, your Shopify store is in SEK, your ad accounts are in EUR, and you would like the dashboard to display as EUR. Follow these steps: 

1) Under the "Ad Account Currency Settings" convert the ad spend from EUR => SEK as that is the currency of the Shopify store.

2) Set the "Overall Currency Conversion" from SEK => EUR. 

If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask!

P.S. The "Dashboard Currency" setting is for appearance purposes only and will not convert the currencies of your store. To convert the currency of all calculated amounts the above setup must be configured. 

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